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Members of the Notre Dame community are among those in St. Joseph County who have tested positive for COVID-19. They have self-quarantined and are under medical care.

The University's leadership has been closely monitoring the spread of the novel coronavirus. Resources and updates are available at coronavirus.nd.edu.

Emergency updates are available on Facebook and @notredame on Twitter.

免费ssr节点 安全

  • 老王加速最新版
  • Pick up the receiver of any blue-light phone on campus

免费ssr节点 安全

CAD看图王v3.10.0/去广告高级版-安卓:2021-5-31 · 作者:林北 时间:2021-5-31 9:00 分类: 软件下载 CAD看图王(CAD手机看图专业版)集快速看图、DWG画图、CAD批注、制图于一身的CAD看图软件。 支持AutoCAD、浩辰CAD、天正建筑等国内外CAD图纸格式,兼容各版本DWG文件,图纸原生显示CAD图纸不失真。

免费ssr节点 安全

  • Notre Dame Security & Police: (574) 631-5555

免费ssr节点 安全

  • The University’s emergency preparedness protocols were developed to ensure the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors in the event of a campus disaster or other emergency situation. The resources and information contained on this website are a component of the University's overall emergency preparedness and response efforts.
  • Campus Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (March 2020, 649 KB)